poniedziałek, 16 stycznia 2012

Haiku - guests

balkon nad ranem
nagle kąpie się w śniegu
kawka samotna

Dariusz Adamowski - poeta i pisarz z Podlasia

tulips are beautiful
it's absolutely true
and so are you

a girl and a boy
then brilliant jealousy
crazy love

magda, marta, emila (1. gimnazjum 2005/2006)

Students of Teachers College of English in Bialystok - year 1991

bloody morning came
I was on my way to you
no one could see me

D.K.& I.C.

All things must pass by
But people will survive if
computers are shy

B.W. & J.G.

I woke up today
looked through the frozen window
the world disapeared

T.M. & E.R.

Sitting in the dark
Thinking of the day that past
with joy and pleasure


I'm tired with life
feeling of having enough
experience to die


I'm delighted with
my life and I feel it's great
to live forever


2 komentarze:

  1. moon,
    plum blossoms,
    and the day goes.


  2. Jak miło, że ktoś tu wszedł i zostawił swój ślad. Dziękuję :-) Administrator.
